Images tagged "damian-rogers"

No Responses to “Images tagged "damian-rogers"”

  1. metalrenee

    Excessive consumption of ketchup must be an entirely male trait. I think 10% of my grocery budget goes towards ketchup every couple of weeks. Insane. Happy to see I’m not alone 🙂

  2. Steven Reed

    The blog is Stuff You Will Hate, not “Stuff U Will Hate.” Site is backed hard!

    • NatalieZed

      Will fix that asap! Thanks for pointing out my error, I was thinking their twitter feed and not the site itself.

  3. Steven Reed

    I should add, the site is misrepresented. What’s being made fun of is just the fact that women are demanding attention for something they like. So what, you like a certain style of music, who cares? That’s not an accomplishment. Besides, by making a blog dedicated to focusing on gender issues, you’re just outlining the gender barrier.

    People at SYWH don’t make pretentious posts about it because it’s common sense stuff. It’s a no B.S., #realtalk site with a bunch of great jamz. Like I said earlier, I back the site real hard.

  4. NatalieZed

    I have no desire to insult or denigrate anyone who likes SUWH. I am, however, using their article as a jumping off point, a source of inspiration for this project.

    Also, I think that the criticism that this column is simply about the fact that girls enjoy/appreciate metal is incorrect. That is the *title* of the column, but not it’s mandate. If you read the description, and the bios of the people I am interviewing, you will see that I am not just interviewing fans and people who both happen to be female and like metal. I am interviewing industry professions, people who all actively contribute to making and promoting and publicizing heavy metal. These are artists and writers and editors and label reps, as well as fans. They are people who love the musical genre, sure, but that is not what defines them — what defines them is their real, actual contribution to the genre.

    I would encourage everyone to read the column and its description a little more carefully before criticizing it for just being about “women are demanding attention for something they like.”

  5. Steven Reed

    Your response can be condensed into one or two sentences, yet you wrote 3 paragraphs. That’s more or less proving SYWH’s point about the pretense of websites like this. Yeah yeah, the description has some stuff about examining “cultural issues” or something or other, but it ultimately just boils down to “there’s women who like metal!” Big deal, why should anyone care?

    At any rate, this topic isn’t really productive and I hope we all have better things to do than discuss heavy metal music and people who are “defined” by what they listen to.

  6. kim

    Hey Natalie,

    It was so amazing to find your site today. I feel so much the same about metal. The amazing viseral connection, feeling the vibration of the music connecting with my organs. The pounding music blasting out everything else in the world. It’s only been 6 months or so since i have started attending events of this kind but I swear i cant get enough! It’s hard though, i’m a 36yr old chick that knows no one that even remotely enjoys the music i do. I’ve brought my husband out a few time because it wasn’t easy to attend by myself. Since though i’ve given up trying to find people to accompany me! I’ve been to a number of shows in hamilton (and a few in TO) and met a few people but social anxiety prevents me from really getting to know the other people there.

    I have thought about writing about my experiences when I go and have actually talked to a guy that puts together shows in the hammer about doing reviews.

    Anyway just had to write you and let you know how much I connected with your writing!

    Thanks Kim

  7. NatalieZed


    Thank you so much for your comment; you made my day. Connecting with people through writing is one of the reasons I do this crazy thing to begin with, and it is wonderful to hear that I have succeeded. 🙂

    I completely and totally understand the pressures of anxiety, but if you ever find yourself at a Toronto show, please don’t hesitate to say hello.

    all the best,


  8. Natalee Caple

    Good job. An excellent response to a serious problem of representation and of misrepresentation re women’s presence in and contributions to our culture.

  9. Robin Richardson

    Interesting. Thank you for looking into this so thoroughly and for encouraging reviews to spend some time with the books you’ve listed. I’m sure many female poets are as grateful as I am.

  10. Karen Connelly

    Thank you, Natalie, for a timely and depressing article. No surprise–though, yes, the numbers are worse than I expected. They reflect what is obvious: that the little public dialogue we have around poetry is dominated mostly by men deciding what will be noticed and not noticed, what will be praised and not praised, what will be considered worthy to ‘give’ to the public. I suspect the same is true for poetry editors–both in house editors at publishing houses and at literary magazines.

    Your call to all of us who love poetry to buy and read some of the overlooked, unheralded, unreviewed books—to speak and write about those books as you have here–is an IMPORTANT call. No one else will do so if we don’t; Lista would agree, I’m sure!

    I have been AMAZED by the comments I’ve got from poetry editors–men–about a book of poetry I’ve been peddling–poems about violence against women and children, if you want the broadest generalization. Apparently these poems have all been written; I’m adding nothing new, I’m too angry, I’m too melodramatic, emotional, etc etc. Sometimes I feel like I am a woman writer in the 50’s . . .

  11. Robin Richardson

    However, while I do agree that there is a great imbalance in reviewing and publishing in general, I do not think that Michael Lista is at the forefront of this.I think the issue here is of a MUCH larger scale throughout all of North America. Making him the poster child for this issue will not help at all.

  12. Kitty Lewis

    Thanks for me too, Natalie. Brick Books has published 63 poetry books by men and 94 poetry books by women [including E. Alex Pierce] from 1998 to 2012 – 67% books by women. There is no specific formula that we follow – we look for good writing.

    Kitty Lewis, General Manager, Brick Books

  13. NatalieZed

    Thanks so much for everyone who has shared, responded and commented. I deeply appreciate it.

    Robin: I agree this is a much larger issue. I just happened to be inspired by a particular conversation that I had, and decided to take subsequent action. I fully intend to look at other spaces where reviews appear, and this is just the starting point.

  14. Sonnet L'Abbé

    Thanks for this list, Natalie. It will help me in my systematic catching up.

    A little bummed that all it takes is one or two gatekeepers who don’t think inclusivity is their business to reproduce the usual myopia. None of the men on your list of NP’s reviewed are other than Anglo-European, either. Based on your stats, it’s like a site dedicated to music reviewing that really only wants to review country music, by dudes.

  15. Janice Williamson

    Beautiful intervention Natalie. Excellent pie chart and critique. And then you provide the archive of published works to drive home the point that the blindness has nothing to do with a scarcity in poetry production by women. & I am sympathetic to Sonnet L’Abbe’s point as well…that all of the men are Anglo-European. We need more ongoing discussion about these issues. I’ve just edited an anthology about – After a decade in Guantanamo, he remains a lightening rod for loud Canadian public bigotry and Islamophobia. But the sleepier zones of the literary arts reproduce perpetual hierarchies. We women can be lulled into a sense of mission accomplished after the second wave of the women’s movement and the work of the generations that have come after. But social justice is fragile and requires a constant vigil of attentive critique – like your focused study in this blog post. We live in an especially nasty time. The Ugly Mad Men in power are dragging us back to the 50s. The fight will be on every front.

    • Janice Williamson

      I made a mistake and posted this draft in error. Please approve for publication the send post I did on this subject. Grateful thanks Natalie. And thanks again for your excellent work on this subject. We should do this on every genre. I’ve put together a list of nonfiction women writers on my website above. Not complete but impressive in the number of women. I did this when I was told that there weren’t very many Canadian women writing nonfiction to include in a public writing event.

  16. Janice Williamson

    Beautiful intervention Natalie. Excellent pie chart and critique. And then you provide the archive of published works to drive home the point that the blindness has nothing to do with a scarcity in poetry production by women. & I am sympathetic to Sonnet L’Abbe’s point as well…that all of the men are Anglo-European. We need more ongoing discussion about these issues. I’ve just edited an anthology : Omar Khadr, Oh Canada – After a decade in Guantanamo, Omar Khadr remains a lightening rod for loud Canadian public bigotry and Islamophobia. But the sleepier zones of the literary arts reproduce perpetual hierarchies. We women can be lulled into a sense of mission accomplished after the second wave of the women’s movement and the work of the generations that have come after. But social justice is fragile and requires a constant vigil of attentive critique – like your focused study in this blog post. We live in an especially nasty time. The Ugly Mad Men in power are dragging us back to the 50s. The fight will be on every front.

  17. Alice Major

    Thanks for the digging, Natalie — if we are going to grumble (and I often do), we need just such a strong basis of fact as this to go on.

    And look what a mere three years’ worth of publishing produces in terms of ‘women’s work.’

  18. Colin Martin

    This, lady, is why I like you so much…and thanks for the handy reading list!

  19. Rachel Rose

    Discouraging statistics indeed. Poet Annie Finch (and others) made the point that women poets must be writing and publishing reviews, and taking an active role in literary criticism. It is a responsibility that few of us (myself included) take on, but it is important work, as these statistics make abundantly clear.

  20. Moira Farr

    Thank you for doing this. It’s important. Some women are compiling similar statistics on the Canadian magazine award situation. VIDA, northern style. Will let you know when it’s done.

  21. David Godkin

    Thanks for this. Really surprising given all we have had to say about appropriate gender representation. That said, I wish you had taken a stab at analyzing more fully why the imbalance occured. Is Lista an anomaly. Are we experiencing a social or
    cultural reversal of some kind away from the gains won by women and women poets over the past several decades. What does the publishing ratio look like…or jury awards…


    ps – sorry…my question mark symbol seems to have died

    • NatalieZed


      I want to respond to both this comment, and the much more dismissively worded comment that you left on the Vehicule press blog post on this topic here:

      I see that you are “not impressed” by my perceived lack of “analysis or thoughtfulness.” I want to impress upon you a few things: first, this was something that I tackled in my spare time, out of passion. I write for a living. My time in front of the computer is metered, and every minute that I was working on this was a minute I was not getting paid for other, valuable work.

      Also, the fact that you are dismissing this work because it is one example, does not take into account other publications, does not include a detailed crunch of demographics etc. is ridiculous. This is one example. I say that it is one example, and that in the future I want to turn my gaze wider.

      Your are criticizing the scope of work I have done for free, out of passion and devotion, because it is not analytical enough for you. If you want a more detailed analysis of the numbers, the information is all there and accessible. I will get to it when I possibly can. In the mean time, do the work yourself.

  22. Kate Fox

    Perhaps it’s time that we all “adopt” a publication to track. I myself was looking at BOOK FORUM, and in just a couple of issues, I was struck by the noticeable discrepancy in both books and reviewers–the gap is enormous. And, like Natalie, we must also take that extra step to suggest/recommend what can be done about it. I’m not bashing, but males aren’t trained to be that sensitive/compassionate (it would ruin them for war duties), so they have to be enlightened about what must be done and why.

  23. Sandra Nicholls

    I thoroughly enjoyed this piece, and heartily agree. I will definitely be seeking out some of these books. As a poet myself, with two award-winning books published some time ago, I always assumed that if I wrote in a more popular form, such as a novel, things might be differerent. But not so. I self published a satirical novel about academic life last year, entitled “And the Seas Shall Turn to Lemonade”. I managed to get Diane Schoemperlen and Mark Frutkin to write up comments for the back cover, but since publication, despite numerous efforts on my part, including sending free copies everywhere, I have been unable to get a single review in any newspaper or magazine. One might think this is because the book doesn’t merit a review, but I should point out that the reader reviews, on Goodreads, on Amazon, and so on, have been fabulous. So what gives? Like most writers, I am not looking for reviews to get pats on the back, but to gain some exposure in order to get more readers. This is an extremely frustrating situation. Thank you for bringing this to light.

  24. Sina Queyras

    Alas, I have no more time to spend digging around on this issue. Perhaps, Mr. Godkin, you can?

    Women are seriously underrepresented. To ask us to spend any more time accumulating these statistics and making arguments for inclusion is quite frankly, an insult.

    A little self-reflection will go a long way.

    I posted on this several times: the literary test, for example,

    the gatekeepers and the glass ceiling,


    The literary test is important: if you only read white male writers who reflect your style and tastes, you can delude yourself into thinking you are reading only the best books…and if a woman, or non-white writer happens to write into your precise idea of goodness you can include them.

    This is fine for a blogger, not fine for someone with a national profile.

    I think it’s time for the dudes to do some thinking and some work. Think about the amount of time you, male editors, spend mentoring your male writers.

    Then do the same for women.

    You say women don’t submit.

    I wonder how many of your male reviewers you have found on list serves, etc, and asked to submit?

    The problem isn’t reviewers like Michael Lists per se, the problem is the lack of ongoing dialog about how these critical communities take root and are supported.

    Women above: I suggest you submit your responses to the National Post. Better yet, create your own site. A better one.

  25. NatalieZed

    Thank you all for your responses, especially calls for reviewers/readers to adopt a specific text and make sure that it gets some extra love. The list is here for exactly that reason. I appreciate you all taking the time to read and comment, and hopefully that also translates into write and review.

  26. Michael Robbins

    Ashbery is spelled with an “e.” I have no objection to the idea that more women writers should be reviewed & write reviews, but I want to know what the fuck we’re supposed to believe is wrong with Michael Lista reviewing Ashbery’s Rimbaud translation or, “um,” The Iliad.

    • sina

      Hey Michael,
      I don’t think anyone has any truck with any of the books, including yours, that Michael has reviewed…not sure what you mean.

      Do you have something to contribute to the discussion?

      • Michael Robbins

        Do you? Natalie’s “um” serves a rhetorical purpose. It clearly implies there’s something absurd about Lista’s reviewing a translation of The Iliad, which is just, well, stupid.

  27. Gillian Jerome

    Thanks for posting this, Natalie. Your point is important. Canada could use a count of who is reviewing who and a VIDA to do it. I wonder if any of our national organizations already keep count. It wouldn`t be hard for the Writer`s Union of Canada to gather findings.

    I don`t want to operate under the assumption that what is true in England or America is true here, though I wouldn`t fall over in shock to find that our numbers are just as ugly.

    Elizabeth Bachinsky (editor of EVENT magazine) and Katia Grubisic (editor at Arc) have both encouraged women to write reviews for their publications in response to Natalie`s article. Geist is always looking for more reviewers for their End Notes. I edit poetry at EVENT—please submit.

    The Globe and Mail isn`t a fortress—-one can knock, and ask for more space for books.

  28. Melanie Janisse

    Nat, this is such an important topic and (of course) stupendously done. I have tried to close the gap myself with my column and reviews. It is a wide sea however. A wide sea.

    • NatalieZed

      Melanie I know that you have. Thank you so much for your work.

  29. Michael Robbins

    Gillian, the post was about The National Post. Which is the only reason I’m here, as Michael Lista quite favorably reviewed my book for that paper, which is a crime of some sort, it would seem.

    • Sina Queyras

      Michael, what the fuck? You think Lista needs your protection? Seriously. Grow some context.

      Love ya, but seriously. The dude network in action.

      • Michael Robbins

        Ah, yes, the nefarious “dude network.” And if that’s the level at which you conduct “discussion,” count me out.

        • Sina Queyras


          “Ashbery is spelled with an “e.” I have no objection to the idea that more women writers should be reviewed & write reviews, but I want to know what the fuck we’re supposed to believe is wrong with Michael Lista reviewing Ashbery’s Rimbaud translation or, “um,” The Iliad.”

          That’s the level at which you inserted yourself into this discussion.

          But I’m fine if you want to back out.


  30. Gillian Jerome

    Michael Robbins, I know very well that the original post was about The National Post as I have been in conversation about it. I have no idea why you are pointing this out to me, nor do I have any idea why your tone is so hostile as I have nothing to say to you about the National Post nor Michael Lista nor his review of your book, which was favorable I hear. We have this other national newspaper up here in the Great White North called the Globe and Mail and so my last sentence suggests that women interested in reviewing may want to review there and expand that paper`s limited space for books.

  31. Jan Zwicky

    Natalie, thank you immensely for this research, and for your suggestion that reviewers make use of the lists you have compiled by reading and reviewing the books on them. Because I privately mentor a number of women writers and publicly edit for Brick Books, it is not possible for me to review regularly in major venues in a way that will be seen to be even-handed. This is a problem for some of the best Canadian readers of both sexes. I wish, though, heartily to second your recommendations, and also to second Gillian Jerome’s suggestion that folks interested in reviewing go knocking on the Globe’s door. For models on which to base such reviews, I warmly recommend Woolf’s: they are, on the whole, sprightly, generous, and insightful. I would also like to pass on an observation offered to me many years ago by a colleague in the university: it’s a mistake to assume the presence of malice, where ignorance or insensitivity would also explain the facts. I have found this observation to be invaluable in negotiating choppy political waters. It helps create a climate in which all of us can, as Natalie suggests, work to remedy unjust situations. For I, too, have often made political mistakes out of ignorance or lack of imagination. Sensing that someone grasped that my motive was not mean has made room for me to change.

  32. Gillian Jerome

    “What is commonly called literary history is actually a record of choices.” —Louise Berkinow

  33. Mark Smith

    I agree that there should be more like rough parity between the sexes of authors reviewed.

    But the reason presumably that it’s possible to get so upset with Michael Lista is because there is no other significant, wide-circulation reviewing of poetry happening in this country. Is there? (The reviews in the G & M for more than a decade have not been what I would call reviews, and there are fewer and fewer of them now. I wouldn’t hold out much hope from that quarter.)

    If that weren’t the case, — IF there were half a dozen other venues equally influential or at least noticeable — Lista’s reviews would I think be something to celebrate: independent-minded, critically acute, well informed about the poetic tradition, etc.

    Lopsided, or partial, yes, but perhaps no one had before informed him that since he’s almost the last poetry reviewer standing his job comes with heavy public responsibilities!

    • Sina Queyras

      Can we ever talk about poetry without talking about public?

      And is it ever not the right time to have an engaged discussion about how one’s art is being represented publicly?

  34. Lorna Crozier

    Hey, Natalie. Thanks for taking the time to do the research and begin to compile the statistics. You know, the League of Canadian Poets years ago, probably through the Feminist Caucus, launched a similar study into a possible gender bias and they came up with the kind of findings that you discovered at the National Post. I’m sure that the report would be on file somewhere in The League office. It would give at least a historical context, and more than likely confirm that not much headway has been made.
    As well as the bias that you’re turning up, I’m bothered by the nastiness of Canadian poetry reviewing. Even a nationally admired, well recognized male poet who is a friend of mine, dreaded the publication of his book this spring because of the disrespectful, seemingly out-to-get-you attitude of the major reviewers of The Post, Quill and Quire, and Books in Canada. I’m almost relieved not to get reviewed considering the lack of quality, insight and generosity in these Canadian publications.
    Editors and reviewers like Clarise Foster, Tanis MacDonald, Natalie Cook, Catherine Hunter, Sina Queryas, Mary di Michele and Alison Calder are significant exceptions. They take time out of their busy lives to generously engage in our literature with marvellous acuity, fairness and openness. Women to emulate and admire. I’ll be interested in being a part of whatever we as writers can do to make this a better place for women poets. You’ve made a good start.

    Lorna Crozier

  35. Natalee Caple

    @Steven Reed: Either you don’t care, in which case you really shouldn’t be so defensive about someone wanting to discuss their own interests in their own articles and why would you post here at all, or you have some serious issues with your own pretentious bullshit about somehow knowing what all people should be doing with their time. The interest the site has generated (even from internet trolls like you) seems to make it pretty clear that this is a topic of interest to people who care about culture and its impact on a variety of communities. Get over yourself and go do something you do find productive if you have too much trouble listening to a girl who has a lot of ideas about a field she is interested in.

    • Ratbu1981

      Please visit my YT channel webpage:

      It contains a playlist of my favorite Metal and retro-doom rock bands with female musicians and vocalists. From the aggressive, heavy but melodic Phantom Blue to the gloomy Blackest Orchid and Mukrat.

      Phantom Blue is on top of my list. I’m not a huge fan of excessive non-melodic screams and growls in music.

  36. Jane Munro

    Natalie, thank you for your work and for this list of books of poetry by women. It’s impressive.

    In _Silences_ (1978), Tillie Olsen wrote about the “One Out of Twelve Writers Who Are Women in Our Century.” Maybe there are more women poets getting work published today but I fear most of our books sink rapidly into oblivion.

    Thoughtful and thorough reviewing takes time away from other writing, but I’ve decided that it’s something I need to start doing again … and, I’m looking forward to engaging with new books and reading works I might otherwise have missed.

    If nothing else, I’ll come away with the pleasure of having read and re-read those books, and thought and re-thought my observations and comments about them. With any luck, more books by women will be reviewed.

    • Farideh de Bosset

      Thank you Jane,

      We need people like you. Men are much more united . They review each others’ work much more eagerly. As women we do not support each other enough.

      Give me please your address. I would like to have your comments
      about “A Tilt”.

      Let me know if I can be of help to other poets. Thank you for being outspoken. F

  37. Farideh de Bosset


    Thank you for being outspoken.

    We are far behind men in supporting each other.

    I would love to send you a copy of ” A Tilt”.

    Where can I send it? F

  38. Jonathan Ball

    I just crunched my own numbers from the Winnipeg Free Press and I don’t seem to be doing too bad: Men 53% and Women 47% (the planned-but-not-published columns shift this to an even 50/50). And I am not even thinking about this issue, to be honest. So I don’t really understand why it seems so hard for other reviewers to strike some sort of balance.

  39. Jonathan Ball

    I shouldn’t say I’m not thinking about the issue. Once in a while I notice all the books I am about to review are by men. I glance through the pile of unreviewed books and see if anything by a woman strikes my fancy. Sometimes it does and I slot it in instead. Sometimes it doesn’t and I publish an all-male column. But I’m still batting close to 50/50 for poetry reviewing, with that absolute minimum effort. So how fucking hard is it, people?

  40. Eva Tihanyi

    First of all, thank you immensely , Natalie, for going to the trouble of doing the research you did. As a Canadian poet who happens to be female and has been writing for over 30 years (my seventh poetry book came out from Inanna this past fall–2012–and has garnered exactly zero reviews in the print media), I have felt frustrated throughout my entire career by this lack of attention paid to poetry in general and to poetry written by women in particular.

  41. Jonathan Ball

    Hi Nats! That’s your new nickname. How do I find the RSS feed for this site? Can you post the link in this comment field when you have time? I’m a computer non-geek.

  42. Frank Hopkinton

    Hey Natalie,
    I enjoy your twitter account — thought you would like this album I made. “Global Unified” is a heavy rock concept album about the future of drone warfare and one man’s struggle against a future one world government. Fun stuff. I wanted to get you a free download! enter code: 3vw5-6q22

    Hope you get a chance to download the record and look forward to your feedback!!

    Best wishes,

  43. Lou Anne Meloche

    Hi Natalie,
    Just reorganizing some bookshelves and came across my copy of Avian Bones. Googled you to see if you’re still writing and so you are. Congrats on making it work. Never doubted it for a minute.
    Love the site.
    Your once-upon-a-time Aunt Lou

    • NatalieZed

      Oh my goodness, Aunt Lou! So wonderful to hear from you! Yes, I am still writing like crazy, making a living at it in fact, and feeling wonderful. I hope you are well and your life is full of every good thing.

  44. Ed Favot of the curse within

    Hi Natalie, I like your groove.
    I am looking for a promoter for an up and coming metal band in the Toronto area, any suggestions?? Have a listen, I would like to invite you to our next show, which we are working on(I promise you won’t be disappointed)

    The Curse Within is a Canadian metal band with a melodic infusion originating from Toronto, Ontario. The band consists of Eric Favot (lead vocals and guitar), Jonathan Mele (drums and vocals), Spencer Andrews (guitar) and Matthew Schumacher (bass guitar). The Curse Within finds a unique way to modernize the style of music that started the genre. Currently, The Curse Within has a self-titled EP comprised of a mixture of home and studio demo recordings.

    Thanks Ed Favot of TCW

    647 969 0087

  45. S.Wolfe

    Did you perform a reading of this in St. Catharines at the NAC? It/your bio seems like a familiar vague recollection.

    • NatalieZed

      I sure did! It would have been for the launch of the second issue of Dead Gender magazine.

    • NatalieZed

      I actually told them that they should start a small business where they do both housesitting and small home repairs. They would make a MINT.

    • NatalieZed

      Unfortunately this one is 19+. I’m going to me adding a feature to the listings very soon that will indicate whether shows are all ages!

  46. Andy

    I think this is the 1st time Anathema has ever visited Canada (could be wrong) I couldn’t buy my ticket fast enough. C U there, look for the late 40’s guy with the Alternative 4 T-shirt.
    ZED rocks…

  47. Connie

    Hey there! I’ve been reading your web site for a long time now and finally got the bravery to go ahead and give you a shout out from Huffman Texas! Just wanted to mention keep up the excellent job!

    • NatalieZed

      Between 150 and 200 from all accounts. p.s. My “I survived the cronut burger” shirt arrived in the mail.

  48. Mike

    This is going to be a slick freakin’ show!
    Anytime G.C.G is in T.O I’m there.. Best underground band.

  49. Murray Foster

    Hey Natalie – just stumbled upon you on Twitter. My name is Murray Foster, I play in Great Big Sea and once upon a time I was in Moxy Fruvous (cue King of Spain joke…). I have a new ‘project’ called the Cocksure Lads – it’s an in-joke that’s taken on a life of it’s own. It’s a fake 60’s Britpop band that we’re about to make into a feature film, and we have a new CD and video that we’re releasing this month (Jan 24th at Revival). There’s a very interesting, multi-faceted story here that I think Exclaim would be into. Plus….the new CD kicks ass! (although it’s the opposite of metal).

    Anyway, thought I’d reach out. Let me know if you want a copy, or a phone call…



  50. jesika

    Heya…. I just wanna thank you for being the source for my metal concerts. I have you under my firefox bookmarks as THEE source for my metal shows… I think it is high time I say thank you. So, a big THANK YOU to you from me, this lonesome Toronto heavy metal chick, for your listings. THANK YOU. Toronto Jes. Spelling mistakes? Meh…

  51. Grant

    Just got the link for your site from the Chronicle of Higher Education. I loved your about-me. Gripping, funny, poignant and certainly got my attention.

  52. Joan Singh

    Just wanted to say I’ve been reading some of your work and reviews on Metal music and I think it’s great what you are doing. I came across your work while researching for my thesis about Women in NY’s extreme metal music scene. Would love to get any suggestions from you regarding reading material on Feminism, Post-feminism and Heavy Metal Music, especially anything more extreme! Looks like I just missed you presenting at a metal conference last April.

  53. Geoffrey Dow

    I haven’t had been insulted nearly as often as you seem to have been, but I think I will always hold dear the time some twit compared me to none other than Seymour Hersh because I criticized a novel serialized in Analog that he especially liked.

    Here, indirectly, via Twitter’s algorithm. And writing, in part, to let you know I’ll be acting on that algorithm and following you due to this column.

  54. Trista

    My favourite insult was when a guy in high school looked at me with sincere disdain and said, “You remind me of Murphy Brown.”

  55. Tifani

    Hey there!

    I came across some of your reviews on Metal bands & music. I know metal heads are always looking for some new music- so I thought you might be interested in checking out my band, Godsent. We’re a Toronto based metal band that’s got a unique sound. If you’re interested in having a listen, our ReverbNation page has free downloads to a few of our songs.

    We also have an upcoming show in August 15th- If you’re interested, I have a complimentary ticket with your name on it! Just let me know.

    Thank you for your time,

    Tifani Lovegrove
    Band Manager of Godsent
